Trending news topics for Wednesday, September 15th
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A California couple died of Covid-19 weeks apart, orphaning 5 young children including a newborn

Former 'SNL' star Jim Breuer won't perform at venues requiring COVID vaccine - USA Today Top Stories

Florida landlord says tenants must get the covid vaccine: ?You don?t want to get vaccinated? You have to move? - Washington Post US

Kentucky bride-to-be who hesitated to get vaccinated dies of Covid - NBC Top Stories

Vaccinated woman's family who died of COVID blames unvaccinated in obituary - Fox News US

Call for investigation of menstrual changes after Covid jabs - BBC Top Stories

1 out of every 500 Americans has died from COVID; Arizona sues over federal vaccine rules for workers: Live updates - USA Today Top Stories

Voters call Covid biggest issue for state - CNN Top Stories

The Democratic governor's stringent Covid measures got a boost on Tuesday, proving that strict pandemic policy can also be good politics - CNN Top Stories

Football player in the ICU after contracting COVID - CNN US

White House praises Fox for its new Covid policy, encourages network to convey why it's effective - CNN Top Stories

A pregnant woman hospitalized with covid miscarried her baby. Her husband regrets that they weren?t vaccinated. - Washington Post US

California recall lesson: Telling the truth about Republicans and COVID is a winner - USA Today Top Stories

Joe Biden's plan to combat COVID-19 is more than a vaccine mandate. It's a testing mandate, too. - USA Today Top Stories

US launches study of long Covid in thousands of patients - CNN Top Stories

Analysis: Nicki Minaj and the limits of celebrity influence over Covid-19 messaging - CNN Top Stories

A California couple died of Covid-19 weeks apart, orphaning 5 young children including a newborn - CNN US

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