Trending news topics for Friday, July 16th
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In vaccine plea, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy reveals he's lost 10 family members to Covid
NBC Top Stories

In vaccine plea, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy reveals he's lost 10 family members to Covid - NBC Top Stories

WHO chief says it was 'premature' to rule out Covid lab leak - NBC World News

Eiffel Tower reopens; COVID passes required as of next week - Fox News World

CDC warns of 'pandemic of the unvaccinated' over troubling rise in Covid cases - NBC Top Stories

Covid infections are high and rising around the UK - BBC Top Stories

We have to do something dramatic to protect the US against Covid-19, expert says - CNN Top Stories

Eiffel Tower reopens; COVID passes required as of next week - Washington Post World

'Covid passports': How can the NHS Covid Pass prove I've had both jabs? - BBC Top Stories

Arizona governor says schools can't force unvaccinated students to quarantine if they're exposed to Covid-19 - CNN Top Stories

Senior Biden officials finding that Covid lab leak theory as credible as natural origins explanation - CNN Top Stories

Covid vaccine: How are young people responding to the jab? - BBC Top Stories

U.S. COVID Deaths Are Rising Again. Experts Call It A 'Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated' - NPR News

Showman doctor: From travelling fairgrounds to the Covid frontline - BBC Top Stories

Why the Scouts are launching a money badge after Covid - BBC Top Stories

Blue Jays will return to Toronto after getting Covid exemption - CNN Top Stories

Singapore and the UK are both planning to 'live with Covid.' They are worlds apart on how to do that - CNN World News

The fourth wave of COVID-19 cases is here. Will we escape the UK's fate? It's too soon to know. - USA Today Top Stories

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